Tips for a Successful Intervention
If you are planning an intervention for a spouse, partner, friend, or family member, you’ve come to the right place. Here are some tips that will help you plan the conversation that could save the life of your loved one.
1.) Hire a professional interventionist. Evidence shows that a successful intervention should be directed by an intervention specialist who has been trained in drug abuse intervention techniques and has a track record of intervention success.
2.) Base the intervention around a “happening” in the life of your loved one. This could be an instance when he or she was caught stealing something or lying, a big fight regarding substance abuse with family members, or perhaps if he or she was arrested for driving under the influence. Evidence shows that immediately following events like these, the individual is usually more willing to admit needing help.
3.) Make sure your loved one is not using during the intervention. If possible, choose a time and place where you are certain he or she cannot obtain drugs or alcohol. If there are any signs of recent drug or alcohol use, you may need to reschedule the intervention.
4.) Be extremely patient. Your loved one will most likely yell, scream, argue, and deny everything that’s being said during the intervention. Remain patient and know that the interventionist will handle any conflicts that arise.
Studies show an intervention success rate of 90 to 95 percent, but this depends on the interventionist and the commitment of family and friends to confront the addict.
You may experience resentment from your loved one after the intervention, even if he or she agrees to enter into treatment. If this happens, try to remain positive and keep thinking of the ultimate goal: your loved one’s recovery.
Also keep in mind that an intervention is only the first step in your loved one’s recovery, as he or she must now go through detox and therapy and change their lives in order to remain sober.
It’s imperative for you and other close friends and family members to attend support group meetings and group therapy with your loved one. Family counseling and support groups such as Al-Anon can help keep you strong while your loved one starts his or her journey to recovery.