
Children Can Get Alcohol Poisoning From Leftover Drinks

Leftover drinks and even the alcohol in perfumes are causing more and more poisonings of children, according to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Excessive alcohol consumption isn’t safe regardless of age, but for children, the dangers are multiplied.

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Alcohol Poisoning in Children

Alcohol poisoning is a serious and life-threatening condition that results from consuming too much ethanol, the type of alcohol found in drinks and other household products. The danger of alcohol poisoning probably calls to mind young people doing too many shots for their 21st birthdays, but the truth is that it can happen to anyone at any age, including children. Because they are smaller than adults, children can become seriously ill with much smaller quantities of alcohol. Know how to keep alcohol out of children’s hands, understand the signs of alcohol poisoning and be prepared to get help.

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Online Games Teach Teens Alcohol Risks

Early alcohol initiation is of great concern for many reasons. Those that begin drinking during adolescence are more likely to develop a dependence on alcohol when compared with those that begin drinking in adulthood. There are short-term risks, such as assault, injury and vehicle crashes, and long-term risks like sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy and organ damage. 

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When Impulsive Teen Behaviors Become Self-Destructive

Transitioning from one period of life to another is always tough. Consider the emotional unsteadiness of an empty nest or retirement for older people. For teens, transitioning from childhood into adulthood can be especially challenging. Teens are not re-adjusting their identity, they are forming one. And in the midst of figuring out who they are as an individual their bodies are also undergoing all kinds of physiological changes.

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Teens at Risk of Extreme Binge Drinking

Drinking alcohol has always been a part of American life but unfortunately it’s also become a teen pastime. Having that first drink is a rite of passage for far too many young people. Research shows that the younger a person begins to drink, the more issues they’ll have with alcohol use disorders.

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Mental Health Checklist for Parents With Teens

Hormonal children are no more stable than a hormonal adult, perhaps worse. They’re on an emotional roller coaster that can change at a moment’s notice. But at what point should watchful parents take action?

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Does Drug Testing Affect How Teens Look at Drug Abuse?

After several years of decline in the rates of teen drug and alcohol use, there appears to be a slight increase in abuse by teens. Finding the most effective and cost-friendly way to prevent drug and alcohol use is an ongoing concern, and one that takes on heightened importance as the substances kids are using become ever more potent and dangerous.
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Effective Drug Abuse Prevention Focuses on Personality

Early initiation of illegal substances such as alcohol and drugs can amplify many of their risks. Experts believe that some of the effects of drugs and alcohol may be more potent in teens because the brain is still developing, causing changes in cognitive structure and function.

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Factors That Contribute to Repeated Suicide Attempts in Teens

Preventing teen suicide is a murky science. Though there are many mental disorders associated with suicidal ideation, often a suicide attempt is the first indication that a mental disorder is in play.

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Parental Guidance to Help Teens Avoid Drug and Alcohol Abuse

As a parent, if you know how to talk and listen with your child you can better help them avoid drug and alcohol abuse.

Parents are encouraged to have caring and intimate talks with their children all throughout their childhood – one talk about drugs and alcohol is not enough. As young minds develop over the years, their views, opinions, awareness and desires change. At some stages of a child’s life discussions about drugs and alcohol may be long and intense. Other times it might be a few sentences that point out a healthy lifestyle choice or a wise decision.

If parents suspect that their teen may have used or may be using either drugs or alcohol the parents should not be secretive about it as it’s often best to confront the teen about their behavior. Parents should make the teen aware they know what’s going on and that they don’t condone their actions. Through talks with their teen, parents can clearly set their rules about the use of drugs and alcohol and set appropriate consequences if those rules are broken.

Some teens may claim that their parents just don’t understand, with the parents doing much more talking than listening. It’s important for parents to hear their teen’s thoughts, concerns and daily pressures. Through a trusting relationship a parent may be able to sense when their teen needs help to avoid alcohol or drug abuse. Moms and dads can even offer to be the “excuse” when teens want to say no to drug and alcohol use with friends, letting their teens know they’re working with them to stay healthy.

Knowing their teens’ friends and meeting the parents of those friends allows better communication and awareness of possible dangers, such as when a party might be in works, and can let their kids know they can call any time with any concerns.

When all parents are watching out for their children bonds can be formed between families to secure the safety of all of their children.