Public Policy
Traffic Safety Experts Push for More Ignition Interlock Devices
According to government figures there are 1.5 million arrests for drunk driving every year. Some of those convicted for drunk driving will be required to use ignition interlock devices, which are highly successful in deterring repeat offenders. Every state has its own separate guidelines for who is required to use one and who is not. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) would like to see every state mandate the device for every person convicted of drunk driving.
Study Examines Alcohol Advertising Appearing in Magazines
When it comes to advertising the alcohol industry does its own regulating. Television advertising is ruled by a set of regulations that discourages alcohol marketers from running ads during times that the underage population is most likely to watch television. While not a foolproof system, the regulations do seek to reduce child and teen exposure to alcohol images. When it comes to other types of advertising, however, it may be more difficult to determine the audience.
How Will New Marijuana Laws Affect Public Health?
The United Nations has spoken publicly against new U.S. laws that make marijuana use legal in a few states. The U. N. official who heads up international drug monitoring has said that the new laws pave the way for increased recreational marijuana use. With drugs representing a significant health problem around the world, the U.N. ambassadors do not see decriminalization as a step in the right direction. Full Story
DARE Program Being Cut in Many States
Once it was a rite of passage to adulthood to sit in a DARE class at your school and listen to a local police officer describe the dangers of drug abuse. At the end of the course, you might even be rewarded with stickers, free pencils, or even a DARE tee shirt.
Alcohol a Growing Problem for the U.S. Army
pAlcohol abuse seems to be a growing problem among Army personnel, according to a USA Today post. Gen. Peter Chiarelli, the Armyrsquo;s No. 2 officer claims the Army needs to double its staff of substance-abuse counselors to handle the steady increase of soldiers seeking treatment./p Full Story
Mental Health Professionals Want Gambling Addiction Listed in DSM-V
Gambling addiction may soon be listed as a "behavioral addiction" in the upcoming edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health (DSM), the reference guide mental health professionals use to describe and diagnose mental illnesses, addictions, and diseases. The American Psychiatric Association is proposing the changes.
WHO Recommends Raising Price of Alcohol to Curb Binge Drinking
The World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended that binge drinking and alcohol abuse should be tackled through higher taxes on alcoholic drinks and tighter marketing regulations.