Drunk Driving
Drunk and Drugged Driving Over New Year’s—Don’t Become a Statistic
In 2012, 32 million people in the U.S. drove after using drugs or drinking. For drunk driving, New Year’s Day is the worst day of the year, with over half of all fatal crashes involving a drunk driver. It might surprise you that New Year’s Eve doesn’t take the top spot, but it’s after midnight when drinkers leave parties and contemplate doing something very stupid. For anybody struggling with addiction, the risk of relapse is compounded by the possibility that—although not originally intending to drink or use drugs—you decide that you’re sober enough to drive home. If you need to consider whether you’re safe to drive, you probably aren’t. Think that’s extreme? Let’s look at the facts and statistics about drunk and drugged driving. Full Story
Underage Drinking and Driving an Important Conversation for Parents and Teens
No longer are 15-year-olds counting the days until they can get their driver’s license. According to AAA one out of every three teens is just not all that excited about driving and only 44 percent of them get their driver’s license within the first year of eligibility. Just 54 percent of teens get their license before age 18. One aspect of this trend is that it may be contributing to a decade-long decline in drinking and driving among young people, but the problem remains.
Every Drop Matters When Drinking and Driving
A pair of sociologists from the University of California, San Diego has recently released a study in the journal publication Addiction which brings into serious question current standards for alcohol consumption and driving. The study researched linkages between blood alcohol levels and car accident severity and mortality. Study findings strongly suggest that our nation’s currently acceptable blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level of .08% is far from protecting drivers, their passengers and fellow motorists. Full Story
Costs for a DUI Offense Can Include Lifelong Employment Problems, Plus Shame, Depression
Fines. Jail time. Loss of employment. Loss of license. The penalties for having a DUI are severe and go much farther than marks on a driving record. The penalties for a DUI can last a lifetime in the occupational and emotional levels, beyond even the immediate tragic consequences including injuries or fatalities. Full Story
Summer Holidays Remain Risky In Terms of Drinking and Driving Dangers
Heading out for a drive in the summer can be more dangerous than many people realize, due to increased likelihood of drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
In fact, the U.S. Department of Transportation says that the summer holidays – Fourth of July, Memorial Day and Independence Day – are second in terms of accidents with injuries or fatal accidents, with Thanksgiving taking first place. During the past decades, the summer holidays have seen a rise in fatal car accidents, and a significant rise in accidents related to alcohol.
States Explore Tougher Strategies against Hard-Core Drunk Drivers
Drunk drivers continue to be the cause of thousands of lost lives each year in the U.S., but now several states are taking a closer look at the “hard-core” drunk driver, who typically has a blood alcohol content twice that of the legal limit and has had numerous previous drunk driving offenses.
Drunk Driver Ordered to Pay Victim’s Estate Half a Million Dollars
The following is a cautionary tale about the financial consequences of driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs. Although damages to those injured by a drunk driver’s conduct are often covered by the drunk driver’s vehicle insurance, damages are not the only financial considerations. As part of a state’s criminal law scheme, many judges award restitution to a victim who suffers financial loss due to the criminal activity of the defendant. Often, these restitution awards are not covered by insurance policies and must be paid out of the defendant’s own pocket. This is especially problematic when the drunk driver is married and assets are commingled or when the person’s major asset is the home that his family lives in.
Penalties for Refusing DUI Test Can Include Fines and Jail Time
As part of state and federal efforts to save lives on the road, drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs who want to “just say no” to a breathalyzer or other sobriety test may face serious penalties. Strict measures for refusing a DUI test are increasing in importance, especially when it comes to punishing repeat offenders, who may be searching for ways to avoid new arrests.