Brain Injuries Could Be a Precursor Into What Happens to a Person Later in Life
Researchers have identified a connection between individuals with a brain injury and addiction. Information presented at a conference in Canada indicates that if a person has a brain injury then they are more likely to be a substance abuser or incarcerated at some point in their life.
The injury may not be apparent to those around the person, but what is going on inside their brain may lead them to make dangerous decisions. The medical professional who presented at the conference reported information that almost every person in the United States prison system had suffered with trauma, abuse or neglect as a child. He also reported that another study indicated that more than 80 percent of prisoners have suffered a traumatic head injury.
Research like this may indicate that everyone from school officials to the justice system may need to take a closer look into the lives of who they are dealing with. A red flag may go up with teachers who are aware of the home lives of certain students. When those children have an unstable environment in their personal life, their chances of sustaining a brain injury in life is greatly increased.
While it can be very difficult to point out every potential person who this could affect, it is important to at least be cognizant of the possibilities. In some cases, rehabilitation may be better than incarceration for drug users. While not every situation merits a cookie-cutter approach to dealing with their welfare. A basic understanding of the possibilities could be crucial in getter the best help for that individual.
We all know that the decisions we make in life impact us and our loved ones. However, those decisions may be made based on prior experiences in life that may have been out of a person’s control, but could lead to increased danger without proper treatment.