Teenager Amasses 101 Convictions Due to Drug Habit

Is it possible to amass 101 convictions by the age of 19? Drug addict Michael Craig is one who not only owns this staggering record, but according to a report in the Burnley Express, jail time does little to thwart his criminal activities.

This career criminal went on a raiding spree merely days after his release from jail. His recent activities include breaking into the home of an 88-year-old victim and slashing the tires of a witness’s car in revenge for her calling the police.

When arrested, Craig did own up to a long list of crimes he had committed to fund his expensive drug habit. His criminal record, not surprisingly, goes back to when he was a boy. He received a sentence of three years in jail for the burglary of the 88-year-old woman’s home and the tire damage.

The judge in Craig’s case told him he had an appalling criminal record. "You know that these offenses are so serious only a custodial sentence can be imposed for them," he was quoted in the Burnely Express.

Craig had also been responsible for break-ins at Blessed Trinity College, helping himself to at least three overhead projectors. Craig owned up to three of the break-ins. He was found in a raid of a house and when interviewed, made a full confession to his crimes.

On November 10th, Craig had been released from custody for other drug-related crimes and within days was breaking the law again to support his habit. At his point of arrest, he had 98 previous convictions, had breached court orders and had qualified for a minimum of three years behind bards as a “three-strike” burglar.

Philip Holden, defense attorney said: "His problem, of course, is drugs, and his good intentions seem to lapse very quickly after release. There is a glimmer of hope for the future if he can rid himself of his drug addiction."