Posts tagged with ‘parents’

Parents play an important role in preventing drug and alcohol abuse among their children.

Treatment Center Helps Addicted Women Become Better Parents

At the Women’s Treatment Center, a residential rehab facility in Chicago, women are taught to overcome their addiction and become better mothers to their children.

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MADD Launches Campaign to Help Parents Talk to Teens About Drinking

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) and Nationwide Insurance launched a campaign today to give parents of high school students the tools they need to help curb teen alcohol use. "The Power of Parents, It’s Your Influence by MADD" features its resources at

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Childhood Stress—Including Parents Who Abuse Substances—Can Shorten Life

A new study found that stressful childhood experiences, such as verbal and physical abuse, can take years off an individual’s life.

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Internet Addiction Warning Signs

If you are concerned that your child may be suffering from Internet addiction, there are several warning signs to watch for. Many of these symptoms are similar to depression and anxiety, which also need to be treated as soon as possible. Sue Scheff shares these warning signs in an article on

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Intervention for a Parent

If you have a parent who has a drug or alcohol addiction, you might want to approach the problem a bit differently than you would with a younger person. Because many older adults are financially independent and live away from family members, they generally do not experience the same types of consequences that younger people do. Full Story