Posts tagged with ‘substance abuse’
Substance abuse refers to the overindulgence in and dependence on a drug or other chemical leading to effects that are detrimental to the individual’s physical and mental health or the welfare of others. Substance abuse may lead to addiction or substance dependence.
George Michael Opens Up About Drug Use
Simon Hattenstone of the Guardian says that compared to four years ago, British pop singer George Michael looks better, bigger, and stronger. “I was probably more stoned in those days,” the singer told Hattenstone during a recent interview. “I was existing on a balance of Starbucks and weed.” In the bad old days, Michael estimates he was smoking around 25 joints a day, and was worried he’d permanently damage his voice.
Tips for Preventing Substance Abuse among Teens
With the growing problem of substance abuse among adolescents, it’s important for parents to be equipped with the necessary tools to communicate with their children about the dangers of abusing alcohol and other substances.
The Link Between Addiction and Suicide
Each year, more people die from suicide than by any other form of violence, including war, terrorist activities, and homicides, an official from the World Health Organization (WHO) said recently, in conjunction with World Suicide Prevention Day. Nearly 1 million people committing suicide annually, making it the 10th leading cause of death worldwide.
Of those who attempt suicide, about half use alcohol or illegal drugs to do so. Of those who successfully take their own lives, 25 percent were abusing drugs and/or alcohol at the time of their death. For those who suffer from addiction, it’s important to understand that suicide rates increase among those who abuse alcohol and/or drugs, putting users at a greater risk of death. ] Studies show that 50 percent of teens that commit suicide have a history of alcohol and drug use.
Fortunately, suicide is preventable, according to Brian Mishara, president of the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP). In areas that are targeted with prevention campaigns, suicide rates do decline.
Suicide can also be triggered by depression, which often co-occurs with substance abuse disorders. This is why it’s so important to treat any co-occurring disorders that may arise among those suffering from substance abuse disorders. If you or someone you know is abusing alcohol or drugs and is having suicidal thoughts, it is imperative to seek help immediately.
Study Examines Role of Race and Ethnic Background in Coping with Disaster
Through the years, researchers have examined a number of different contributing factors that have led to the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol. Significant traumatic events have been known to lead to the use of drugs and alcohol as individuals seek to cope with the impact of the event.
How Trauma Can Lead to Addiction
In her Huffington Post blog “The Road to Addiction,” Carole Bennett discusses how trauma can be a trigger for addiction. “Trauma is an incident or occurrence that happens inexplicably or without warning,” she writes. “It is categorized as an overwhelming life-changing experience (and) is typically a physical and/or emotional shock to the very fiber of one’s being.”
How to Recognize Emergency Situations
Though it may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about reasons for making trips to the emergency room, medical issues that are related to drug and alcohol use are a regular occurrence. In fact, these are problems that emergency room doctors are finding themselves dealing with on an increasingly regular basis. Full Story