Posts tagged with ‘teen drinking’

Underage drinking refers to minors who consume alcohol. In the United States, the legal drinking age is 21, but the limit varies from 16-18 in other countries. Underage drinking is very dangerous as alcohol consumption can lead to risky behavior such as unprotected sex, driving under the influence, and alcohol-related injuries. In addition, parts of the brain are still developing, so exposure to alcohol can affect cognitive development.

Prom Night and Alcohol: How to Protect Your Teen

With prom night in your teen’s future, as caring parents you worry about all the things that could go wrong – especially if alcohol is involved. And, you’re right to be concerned, since proms and teenage consumption of alcohol have proven deadly for decades. Even if your teen is a responsible person who has always shown good judgment, the upcoming milestone event may be the time he or she is tempted to “party” with alcohol. Instead of dreading prom night, take proactive measures to protect your teens from the dangers of alcohol.

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What to Do When Your Child Gets in Trouble With Alcohol

As parents, our worst fears concern anything bad happening to one of our children. We try to shield and protect them as best as possible from all the terrible things in the world, but no matter how hard we try, we can’t be everywhere at all times. For many parents, when the dreaded call comes from the police or school officials that their child is in trouble with alcohol, the news is not only devastating, but they also don’t know what to do. Here are some pointers that may help. Full Story