Thinking About an Intervention?

Chances are if you are thinking that you might need to do an intervention on a loved one, you probably do. By the time families take this step they have often tried many ways to get the addicted person to stop. They have listened to the promises, and felt the disappointment, often over and over again.
Read: Could Putting off an Intervention be a Deadly Decision?
An Intervention is a professionally planned process (not just an event) that strives to bring family and friends together as a unified group to persuade a loved one that their addiction is hurting not only them, but their family and friends.
An Intervention Specialist is trained in a set of skills that gives families the best chance of getting their loved one into treatment. Not every interventionist is created equal: background, training, and experience make a difference in how successful the intervention will be. Be sure to read these articles first to educate yourself about the intervention process:
10 Tell-Tale Signs Someone Needs an Intervention | What Happens at an Intervention | How to Know When You’ve Hit Bottom | A Good Interventionist Does More than Just the Intervention | When Is the Best Time to Do an Intervention?