Announcement: The Evolution of Addiction Intervention

An Interview with Board Certified Interventionist Roger Canevari
Announcement: 10 Tell-Tale Signs Someone Needs an Addiction Intervention

Most people at some point in their lives discover someone they love or work with has a problem with alcohol or drugs. Public health experts estimate 1 in 10 people has a substance abuse problem, so it is unlikely you will never meet someone who needs addiction treatment. And chances are some of those people need an intervention. How do you know if an addiction intervention is the right next step for your family?
Announcement: How to Do an Alcohol Intervention on a High-Functioning Alcoholic

We suggest you first read “How to Recognize a High-Functioning Alcoholic” to help you eliminate any denial or soft-pedaling by family members. The high-functioning alcoholic can be one of the most difficult to do an intervention on because denial is so strong.
Families often proceed with an alcohol intervention when the alcoholic has really done significant damage, such as been arrest for DUIs, ended up in the hospital, been in a car wreck, or has completely ruined their financial, professional, and family lives. Full Story
Lost Opportunity: Could Putting off an Intervention Be a Deadly Decision?

Sometimes we wish that disturbing situations would just go away. We convince ourselves that if we don’t think too much about it or act like it doesn’t exist, that somehow things will magically change and take the burden away from us to do anything.
But when we’re talking about addiction of one of our family members or loved ones, or even one of our close friends, we may be losing more than just an opportunity. Our failure to act may be one of the worst decisions we’ve ever made.
When Addiction Strikes the Corner Office: Intervention on a Boss

A co-worker’s struggle with addiction can make the office a stressful place to be. When the person in charge of keeping the company healthy is the one with a drug or alcohol addiction, going to work can be downright miserable. Covering for a boss who fails to return phone calls or emails, or whose mood swings make for a volatile work environment not only diminishes the employee’s ability to do their job but also enables the higher-up to continue their problem behavior.
Addiction Interventions by Professionals for Professionals

Staging an effective addiction intervention is an art form. While some people respond well to confrontation, others need a softer, gentler approach. Because different strategies motivate different people to enter drug treatment, special consideration should be given to the individual’s background when planning an intervention.
A Good Interventionist Does More than the Intervention

Maybe because of A&E’s Intervention or other movie and TV portrayals of interventions, many believe the interventionist talks to the family a bit, shows up for the big event, convinces the addict to go to rehab, then case closed.
When Is the Best Time to Do an Intervention?

The question about timing for an intervention is a common one. Should you wait until the addict has been arrested for a DUI or is sick in the hospital from an overdose? Should you wait until the addict finishes college/loses their job/finalizes their divorce/gets that raise…etc etc…
Modern Approaches to Addiction Intervention and Rehabilitation
Modern behaviors towards addiction and rehabilitation have considerably changed during the last decade thanks to the multitude of images depicting substance abuse and behavioral disorders that are infiltrating this technological generation. The Internet, celebrity blogging, social networking, podcasts, video streaming, reality television programming, and ever-revolving tabloids have all become commonplace within the traditional American household.
Sticky: Is There Such Thing as a Failed Intervention?
An Interview with Interventionist Earl Hightower, BRI-II, CCDC. Earl Hightower has performed over 2,000 interventions and has been doing interventions for over 20 years. Visit his intervention site for more information.